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Root Canals

Root Canals services offered in Bayside, NY

Root canals are among the most common oral surgeries, with over 15 million Americans undergoing the procedure each year. At Bayside Dental Arts: Andrey Ilyabayev, DDS, in the Bayside neighborhood of Queens, New York, implant and general dentist Andrey Ilyabayev, DDS, provides single and multiple tooth root canal procedures using advanced technology. Root canal therapy is safe, pain-free, and can preserve your natural teeth. Call the office today to see if you’re a candidate for root canal therapy, or book your appointment online.

Some of my teeth hurt. Can root canals provide relief?

Root canal therapy is an outpatient procedure used to treat infected or inflamed tooth pulp. The tooth pulp contains nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels. It’s inside the center of each tooth and allows you to feel temperature sensations like hot and cold.

Sometimes, tooth pulp gets infected by a cavity or inflamed due to trauma. Root canals remove the infected or inflamed pulp, stopping the pain and eliminating the need for an extraction.

When are root canals beneficial?

At Bayside Dental Arts: Andrey Ilyabayev, DDS, Dr. Ilyabayev uses root canals to treat infected or damaged tooth pulp caused by the following:

  • Trauma
  • Extensive dental work
  • Deep decay caused by an untreated cavity
  • Chip or crack in the tooth

If you have a toothache, swelling, or a sensation of heat in your gums, seeking treatment is essential. Intervention can stop the infection from spreading and help preserve your smile.

What does root canal therapy involve?

Root canal therapy takes two visits about a week apart. Dr. Ilyabayev performs single-tooth and multiple-tooth root canal procedures.

First, he administers a local anesthetic, numbing your mouth. Dr. Ilyabayev then makes an opening in the top of your tooth and removes the pulp.

He rinses out all the root canals inside your tooth, flushing away debris and harmful bacteria. Dr. Ilyabayev then fills the inside of your tooth with a soft material called gutta-percha. The gutta-percha seals your tooth and prevents infection from recurring.

Last, Dr. Ilyabayev takes scans of your tooth and covers it with a temporary crown. He then sends your scans to a dental lab that creates a custom crown from porcelain or ceramic. When the lab completes your custom crown, you return to Bayside Dental Arts. Dr. Ilyabayev removes your temporary crown, replaces it with the custom one, and checks your bite.

What is recovery like after root canal therapy?

After root canal therapy, you might experience mild swelling and increased tooth sensitivity. Dr. Ilyabayev provides instructions to follow at home. During the first few days, eat soft foods, get plenty of rest, and take your medication as directed.

Call Bayside Dental Arts: Andrey Ilyabayev, DDS, today to schedule a root canal consultation, or book your appointment online.